July 7, 2010

Journal Inquirer > Letters To The Editor > July 6 Backing Mark Boughton for Connecticut

Journal Inquirer > Letters To The Editor > July 6: "Backing Boughton"

Backing Boughton

I want to tell you why I support Mark Boughton for lieutenant governor. Boughton is one of the great mayors in Connecticut. What makes Boughton a great chief executive officer has a lot to do with the fact that he has led the way to fundamental change in governmental management in Connecticut. Boughton’s record in Danbury of lower taxes, safer streets, responsibility in government, and the more efficient delivery of services speaks for itself.

Boughton has been solution-oriented through such innovations as being the leader in implementation of response-management solutions like q-send and the 311 program, where his city tracks request and complaints which hold city employees responsible and ensures timely responses to the public. The mayor’s city has turned around fiscal problems in the area of debt service, increased revenue without raising taxes on homeowners while actually improving services by attracting business and redevelopment. Boughton’s city has the lowest crime rate in Connecticut.

Boughton’s resume is full of those qualifications that are essential for the next lieutenant governor. Boughton has that understanding of making payroll every week as a small-business owner; he has the experience of running the city of Danbury; he has the communication skills and tolerance of a teacher because he was one once; he has fought labor during contract negotiations, while working with labor to get the citizens what they need.

Boughton has the knowledge of handling legislation, it impact on business, the fiscal costs of overregulation and impact on the public because he was a former legislator, as well as acting as the presiding officer over his City Council.

Boughton has the experience Connecticut needs right now. No matter who the next governor is, Boughton is the right choice for lieutenant governor.

Jason L. McCoy



The writer is the mayor of Vernon.

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