On Friday I listened to Governor Rell's speech to the press about the second budget she put together, and today again I listed in the news. The budget that the Governor came up with is good for Towns and Cities in Connecticut. That was absolutely the best and most confident speech I have heard. I saw the Governor come out of the conference on Friday after her speeech, she looked very confident, intense and very serious. Truly Connecticut CEO. Those statements in that Speech was very reassuring, very confident, realistic- practical and pragmatic. That was exactly what folks needed to hear, that she is fixing what can be fixed, making up for what can be made up for and what can’t be fixed or made up for, that Legislators need to get on board or out of the way – becasue this Governor made it clear she is taking control of what can’t be fixed or made up for and the legislators need to set politics aside, take advantage of the Governor's hard work, and go home for then summer. When people believe times are tough, frank realistic responses are needed to calm folks down.
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Connectucut budget deficit, Donald Williams, M. Jodi Rell
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