Vernon — 05/12/2009 Reminder News
Scouts and teens honored by town for Earth Day efforts

On Earth Day, April 22, two local groups came out to honor the day, and help the Parks and Recreation Department improve parts of Vernon.
The Lake Street School Cub Scouts Pack #221 went to Valley Falls Park and removed invasive plant species in the park. The Scouts were honored at last week’s town council meeting and given a certificate of appreciation by Mayor Jason McCoy.
The scouts were directed and educated by Greenway Volunteer George Arthur and Friends of Valley Falls President Ginny Gingras. Arthur and Gingras also took time to teach the Cub Scouts about invasive species and the danger they are. When McCoy asked the Scouts what invasive plants were, one Cub replied, “plants that aren’t native to this part of the country.”
“That’s a wonderful thing you did,” McCoy told the Scouts. “We want to thank you guys for working so hard. You have made a difference for everybody in the community.”
A group of Vernon Teen Center members , led by Parks Recreation Supervisor Amy Locandro, planted flowers at Central Park and around Cogswell Fountain in Rockville. They cleaned the area in front of the Town Hall, and weeded the garden areas. The teens included Ashley, Taylor, Alexis, Meagan, Jamill and Nicole. Other volunteers that helped in Rockville were Bryan Flint, Roberta Babcock, Bob Babcock and Danielle Krajewski.
The teens were also honored at the town council meeting with a certificate of appreciation. “I want to thank you for all the work you’ve done,” McCoy told the teens. “The park looks awesome .” Parks and Rec. staff said they send special thanks to all volunteers.
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