Town officials share their thoughts after the Annual Town Meeting."
Here are five quotes on the $79,293,749 budget for the 2011-12 fiscal year approved at the Annual Town Meeting this week. The adoption of the budget at the Vernon Annual Town Meeting marks the first time in 12 years that the budget was not sent to a referendum. The budget lowers the tax rate from 30.02 mills to 29.9 mills.
1. Deputy Mayor Brian Motola: “Vernon's residents and taxpayers will be very happy with the spending plan put together by the mayor, the Town Council and the Board of Education. Taxes will not increase while services will remain intact. We took into account what Joe and Jane Taxpayer are experiencing in this economic climate and what is best for Vernon."
2. Police Chief James Kenny: “The Vernon Police department is grateful that the citizens supported the upcoming budget and we will continue to provide the best possible services to the community with the funding provided.”
3. Fire Chief William Call: "The Fire Department is very pleased that the mayor’s administration has addressed its needs, including safety equipment, uniforms and fire apparatus. We are pleased that the people in attendance at the Town Meeting overwhelmingly approved the proposed budget presented to them."
4. Superintendent of Schools Mary Conway: "I am delighted with the passing of the 2011-2012 budget at the annual town meeting. “The budget is fair and reasonable and allows the school system to maintain current class sizes and services to children in the schools. I am especially appreciative of the support and hard work of the board of education, the administrative team, the town council, and the mayor who united as a team to prepare and promote this budget.”
5. Mayor Jason McCoy: “I am very pleased that the residents and taxpayers of Vernon approved this budget with overwhelming support. With this budget, the community will continue to receive all of the great services currently provided, both at a lower cost to the taxpayer and with increased efficiency. This budget will also provide Vernon residents with the security of knowing that the tax rate will decrease, at a time when great economic uncertainty exists throughout both the state and the country.”
mayor mccoy.
charitable budget, surplus, taxes, Malloy, Cafero, union, labor, rally, Democratic, Bushnell Park, legislative leaders
• Jason McCoy McCoy Michele Arn VDTC Vernon Board of Ed Vernon Board of Education vernon connecticut democracts Vernon connecticut democrats Vernon CT vernon democrats vernon dems Vernon Mayor vernon politics Vernon Town Council
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