The first Proposal that Mayor Jason McCoy proposed was that the Town Council adopt a Town of Vernon Elderly and Disabled Property Tax Relief Program § 12-129N, this program is one of two programs that senior citizens can use tighter to reduce their property taxes. The Property Tax Relief for elderly or disabled property owners age sixty five or older that have joint income of $37,700. At the meeting Council Member Bill Campbell increased the elderly income requirement to $37,700 to expand the number of citizens in Vernon who would be eligible for the program. On October 5, 2009 the Vernon town council approved Mayor Jason McCoy’s proposal for elderly and or disabled property tax relief program authorized pursuant to Conn. gen. stat. §12-129n, entitled "optional tax relief program for certain homeowners age 65 or over or who are permanently and totally disabled.
The first Proposal that Mayor Jason McCoy proposed was that the Town Council adopt a Town of Vernon Freeze Property Tax Relief Program. The Program is available for Senior Citizens who are 70 years or older or spouses of deceased property owners who are 62 years or older, those seniors who are 62 or older must be that age at the time of death of a spouse who is 70 or older. The program was proposed and adopted to help them freeze their assessment on their homes to prevent an increase in their taxes to assist them with dealing with living on fixed income. The program requires that any amount of property tax that is not paid due to the freeze during the senior’s homeowner ownership is repaid to the Town upon sale of the home. In most case this is a relatively small sum that is required to be repaid but helps seniors plan expenses while they live on fixed incomes. On October 5, 2009 the Vernon town council approved Mayor Jason McCoy’s proposal for the elderly freeze property tax relief program.
The Director of Finance James Luddecke and Town Assessor David Wheeler were present to answer questions regarding the program. Seniors should contact David Wheeler to check to see if they qualify or may contact the Mayor’s office for assistance.
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