Listen to The Brad Davis Show on WDRC 1470 in Meriden, CT
Brad Davis to Interview Mayor Jason McCoy 8 am
October 27, 2009
October 24, 2009
vernon ct mayor - News
vernon ct mayor - Google News: "Hartford Courant - Vernon Connecticut Ballot - Oct 22, 2009"
Familiar Faces Up For Re-Election In Vernon --
Familiar Faces Up For Re-Election In Vernon -- "McCoy, backed by the council's GOP majority, was able to push through town budgets that held spending increases to 3.2 percent for fiscal 2009 and .85 percent in the current fiscal year. Total town appropriations, which include the board of education, stand at $76.58 million this year. The increase in the school budget this year was held to .29 percent."
October 21, 2009
Is David Norman of Vernon CT a Taxpayer, Check the 2009-2010 Tax Bill- NOT!
Check your 2009-2010 Tax Bill
Anyone who would like to judge a certain editorial written by David Norman of Vernon Connecticut, can start the analysis by checking out the accuracy of certain statements written in the editorial, to do this you should click on the above Town of Vernon web address, then go to the 2009-2010 tax bill page, type in Norman, you will not find a David or a David J or a David Jacob Norman as a real estate property taxpayer in the Town of Vernon. This is all public information.
We would like to make sure you use the system correctly. This gentleman does not even own a car in town. WOW, I cannot believe nobody checked facts on these editorials. Especially in a situation when someone is claiming the Mayor is dishonest. Mr. David Norman needs to take a look in the mirror and check who he is really talking about.
Check your 2009-2010 Tax Bill
Check your 2008-2009 Tax Bill
Click on either of the above, then type in the Search Field: norman
You will not see a David Norman, you will not find a David on the page, David does not own property in Vernon, and David does not pay real estate property taxes, not even car taxes. You do not have to believe any of this, maybe the web page is a hoax, so please call the assessor tomorrow and check.
Shame on you David Norman. This is not your first silly letter to the editor.
PS: I recived a question about why this response is writtem the way it is- here is my response:
Just to be clear- the basis for Mr. Norman’s argument is that he paid higher taxes. While there is no requirement that one needs to pay taxes to vote (unless you are not registered to vote but own property in Town and want to vote in a referendum- in which case the ability to votes is contingent upon property ownership), decision making for voting purposes based upon taxes going up or down, as opposed to other reasons like party affiliation or ideology or just not liking someone, should be assessed on merit instead of half truths. I don not suggest that someone votes only based upon party affiliation, but some try to argue other issues becasue they are only concerned with party affiliation. Hence since Mr. Norman does not own real estate, you cannot check the facts that form the basis for his argument that his taxes went up as a result of a budget that passed, therefore it is not possible to debate the issue. If someone relies on a statement by another, like Mr. Norman in this case, and that is an important part of the decision making process for that someone- items like taxes and voting have corresponding values for some people, as well as statements that may tend to attack credibility, as they can act as a double edge sword. Assessing a conclusion requires testing the facts that underlay the conclusions. If he is saying he knows of a property which the taxes "payment" had increased he should say so. Then we can test that statement, as some increases in real estate tax payments were due to a 1/3 increase in the assessment for real estate. The distinction is draw between real estate and personal property like automobile specifically because automobile remained constant based upon a state wide standard valuation, as opposed to a neighborhood by neighborhood valuation or a property that is newly built with no change in the valuation, thus the decrease in the tax rate lowered car taxes. But Mr. Norman does not own a car either. If Mr. Norman really does not like my ideology or my party affiliation as a republican then he should say so, instead of creating a fictitious situation where he tries to mislead folks into believing that I raised taxes on his real estate, and therefore I am not being truthful in a statement dealing with a “tax rate decrease”. I do not know Mr. Norman that is why I looked to see why he was making that statment in his letter to the editor. I did find an old editorial he had written.
Anyone who would like to judge a certain editorial written by David Norman of Vernon Connecticut, can start the analysis by checking out the accuracy of certain statements written in the editorial, to do this you should click on the above Town of Vernon web address, then go to the 2009-2010 tax bill page, type in Norman, you will not find a David or a David J or a David Jacob Norman as a real estate property taxpayer in the Town of Vernon. This is all public information.
We would like to make sure you use the system correctly. This gentleman does not even own a car in town. WOW, I cannot believe nobody checked facts on these editorials. Especially in a situation when someone is claiming the Mayor is dishonest. Mr. David Norman needs to take a look in the mirror and check who he is really talking about.
Check your 2009-2010 Tax Bill
Check your 2008-2009 Tax Bill
Click on either of the above, then type in the Search Field: norman
You will not see a David Norman, you will not find a David on the page, David does not own property in Vernon, and David does not pay real estate property taxes, not even car taxes. You do not have to believe any of this, maybe the web page is a hoax, so please call the assessor tomorrow and check.
Shame on you David Norman. This is not your first silly letter to the editor.
PS: I recived a question about why this response is writtem the way it is- here is my response:
Just to be clear- the basis for Mr. Norman’s argument is that he paid higher taxes. While there is no requirement that one needs to pay taxes to vote (unless you are not registered to vote but own property in Town and want to vote in a referendum- in which case the ability to votes is contingent upon property ownership), decision making for voting purposes based upon taxes going up or down, as opposed to other reasons like party affiliation or ideology or just not liking someone, should be assessed on merit instead of half truths. I don not suggest that someone votes only based upon party affiliation, but some try to argue other issues becasue they are only concerned with party affiliation. Hence since Mr. Norman does not own real estate, you cannot check the facts that form the basis for his argument that his taxes went up as a result of a budget that passed, therefore it is not possible to debate the issue. If someone relies on a statement by another, like Mr. Norman in this case, and that is an important part of the decision making process for that someone- items like taxes and voting have corresponding values for some people, as well as statements that may tend to attack credibility, as they can act as a double edge sword. Assessing a conclusion requires testing the facts that underlay the conclusions. If he is saying he knows of a property which the taxes "payment" had increased he should say so. Then we can test that statement, as some increases in real estate tax payments were due to a 1/3 increase in the assessment for real estate. The distinction is draw between real estate and personal property like automobile specifically because automobile remained constant based upon a state wide standard valuation, as opposed to a neighborhood by neighborhood valuation or a property that is newly built with no change in the valuation, thus the decrease in the tax rate lowered car taxes. But Mr. Norman does not own a car either. If Mr. Norman really does not like my ideology or my party affiliation as a republican then he should say so, instead of creating a fictitious situation where he tries to mislead folks into believing that I raised taxes on his real estate, and therefore I am not being truthful in a statement dealing with a “tax rate decrease”. I do not know Mr. Norman that is why I looked to see why he was making that statment in his letter to the editor. I did find an old editorial he had written.
October 20, 2009
Vernon Bolton Regional WPCA Ground Breaking Photos --
Send Us Your Photos --
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State Rep Pam Sawyer, Bob Mora Bolton First Selectman, Mayor Jason McCoy, State Rep 8th Joan Lewis at the Vernon Bolton Regional WPCA Ground Breaking.
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State Rep Pam Sawyer, Bob Mora Bolton First Selectman, Mayor Jason McCoy, State Rep 8th Joan Lewis at the Vernon Bolton Regional WPCA Ground Breaking.
Bolton Vernon Ground Breaking New Sewer System
Send Us Your Photos -- "Ground Breaking Bolton Lakes Regional WPCA Authority, Bolton Selectman, Vernon Town Council, Bolton First Selectman and Vernon Mayor at the Ground Breaking Bolton Lakes Regional WPCA Authority and members, Bolton Selectman, Vernon Town Council, Deputy Mayor Brian Motola, Vernon Town Council Dan Anderson, Bolton First Selectman Bob Morra and Vernon Mayor Jason McCoy his daughter Meg McCoy, Rep Pam Sawyer, Rep Joan Lewis"
October 17, 2009
Video Jason McCoy For Mayor Vernon CT
Search Video classifieds: "The Mayor asks for your support on Election Day November 3 2009. Vote Jason McCoy for Mayor of Vernon Connecticut." See what other's have to say!!!!
Local news - Community
McCoy Sworn in as Vernon Mayor
Governor Jodi Rell urges support for Vernon CT's Mayor Jason McCoy
Senator Tony Guglielmo says Mayor Jason McCoy is Phenomenal, Competent & Capable
Mayor Jason McCoy Vernon Connecticut campaigning for his second term as Mayor of Vernon Connecticut.
Mayor Jason McCoy vernon town council Mayor Vernon Connecticut jason mccoy election Jason McCoy Mayor rockville connecticut Michele Arn Mark Etre pizza Vernon CT town of vernon rockville ct
Local news - Community
McCoy Sworn in as Vernon Mayor
Governor Jodi Rell urges support for Vernon CT's Mayor Jason McCoy
Senator Tony Guglielmo says Mayor Jason McCoy is Phenomenal, Competent & Capable
Mayor Jason McCoy Vernon Connecticut campaigning for his second term as Mayor of Vernon Connecticut.
Mayor Jason McCoy vernon town council Mayor Vernon Connecticut jason mccoy election Jason McCoy Mayor rockville connecticut Michele Arn Mark Etre pizza Vernon CT town of vernon rockville ct
October 15, 2009
Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control Authority Ground Breaking
Your Reader-Submitted Articles -- "Vernon
Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control Authority Ground Breaking"
Vernon Mayor Jason L. McCoy together with Bolton First Selectman Robert Morra will join local dignitaries and their fellow members of the Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control Authority, Board of Directors, for a groundbreaking ceremony October 17 at 8:30 a.m., 251 Boston Turnpike, Bolton celebrating the commencement of the first construction phase of the Bolton Lakes Sewer Project.Phase I will consist of constructing approximately 2 miles of sewer out of a total of 10.6 miles for the project. Phase 1 of the construction will begin adjacent to the Shady Glen Restaurant in Manchester and extend along Middle Turnpike East, Hillcrest Road, and end at Boston Turnpike/Route 44 intersection with I-384. Phase II will be ready for bidding and construction in the spring of 2010.The Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control Authority ("BLRWPCA" or "Authority") is an entity created by Ordinance in Vernon and Bolton in 2003 to construct, maintain, and operate a Regional Sewerage System for the homes around Bolton Lakes in response to the Department of Environmental Protection's request. The authority serves residents around the lakes, as well as the corridor along the sewer line connecting to Manchester. The Bolton Lakes Regional WPCA was the first regional water pollution control authority of its kind in the State of Connecticut.The members of the Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control Authority in cooperation with the Towns of Vernon and Bolton have worked with the many State and Federal agencies to make this construction possible. The State of Connecticut Clean Water Fund, United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Agency, State of Connecticut STEAP grant program, and US Environmental Protection Agency STAG grant program have all committed funds for this project.The public is welcome to attend the groundbreaking.
Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control Authority Ground Breaking"
Vernon Mayor Jason L. McCoy together with Bolton First Selectman Robert Morra will join local dignitaries and their fellow members of the Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control Authority, Board of Directors, for a groundbreaking ceremony October 17 at 8:30 a.m., 251 Boston Turnpike, Bolton celebrating the commencement of the first construction phase of the Bolton Lakes Sewer Project.Phase I will consist of constructing approximately 2 miles of sewer out of a total of 10.6 miles for the project. Phase 1 of the construction will begin adjacent to the Shady Glen Restaurant in Manchester and extend along Middle Turnpike East, Hillcrest Road, and end at Boston Turnpike/Route 44 intersection with I-384. Phase II will be ready for bidding and construction in the spring of 2010.The Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control Authority ("BLRWPCA" or "Authority") is an entity created by Ordinance in Vernon and Bolton in 2003 to construct, maintain, and operate a Regional Sewerage System for the homes around Bolton Lakes in response to the Department of Environmental Protection's request. The authority serves residents around the lakes, as well as the corridor along the sewer line connecting to Manchester. The Bolton Lakes Regional WPCA was the first regional water pollution control authority of its kind in the State of Connecticut.The members of the Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control Authority in cooperation with the Towns of Vernon and Bolton have worked with the many State and Federal agencies to make this construction possible. The State of Connecticut Clean Water Fund, United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Agency, State of Connecticut STEAP grant program, and US Environmental Protection Agency STAG grant program have all committed funds for this project.The public is welcome to attend the groundbreaking.
October 14, 2009
Mayor Jason L. McCoy proposed to the Vernon Town Council pilot programs to assist Senior Citizens on fixed incomes
On October 5 2009 Mayor Jason L. McCoy proposed to the Vernon Town Council pilot programs to assist Senior Citizens on fixed incomes. The Two programs were adopted at that meeting.
The first Proposal that Mayor Jason McCoy proposed was that the Town Council adopt a Town of Vernon Elderly and Disabled Property Tax Relief Program § 12-129N, this program is one of two programs that senior citizens can use tighter to reduce their property taxes. The Property Tax Relief for elderly or disabled property owners age sixty five or older that have joint income of $37,700. At the meeting Council Member Bill Campbell increased the elderly income requirement to $37,700 to expand the number of citizens in Vernon who would be eligible for the program. On October 5, 2009 the Vernon town council approved Mayor Jason McCoy’s proposal for elderly and or disabled property tax relief program authorized pursuant to Conn. gen. stat. §12-129n, entitled "optional tax relief program for certain homeowners age 65 or over or who are permanently and totally disabled.
The first Proposal that Mayor Jason McCoy proposed was that the Town Council adopt a Town of Vernon Freeze Property Tax Relief Program. The Program is available for Senior Citizens who are 70 years or older or spouses of deceased property owners who are 62 years or older, those seniors who are 62 or older must be that age at the time of death of a spouse who is 70 or older. The program was proposed and adopted to help them freeze their assessment on their homes to prevent an increase in their taxes to assist them with dealing with living on fixed income. The program requires that any amount of property tax that is not paid due to the freeze during the senior’s homeowner ownership is repaid to the Town upon sale of the home. In most case this is a relatively small sum that is required to be repaid but helps seniors plan expenses while they live on fixed incomes. On October 5, 2009 the Vernon town council approved Mayor Jason McCoy’s proposal for the elderly freeze property tax relief program.
The Director of Finance James Luddecke and Town Assessor David Wheeler were present to answer questions regarding the program. Seniors should contact David Wheeler to check to see if they qualify or may contact the Mayor’s office for assistance.
mayor jason mccoy
The first Proposal that Mayor Jason McCoy proposed was that the Town Council adopt a Town of Vernon Elderly and Disabled Property Tax Relief Program § 12-129N, this program is one of two programs that senior citizens can use tighter to reduce their property taxes. The Property Tax Relief for elderly or disabled property owners age sixty five or older that have joint income of $37,700. At the meeting Council Member Bill Campbell increased the elderly income requirement to $37,700 to expand the number of citizens in Vernon who would be eligible for the program. On October 5, 2009 the Vernon town council approved Mayor Jason McCoy’s proposal for elderly and or disabled property tax relief program authorized pursuant to Conn. gen. stat. §12-129n, entitled "optional tax relief program for certain homeowners age 65 or over or who are permanently and totally disabled.
The first Proposal that Mayor Jason McCoy proposed was that the Town Council adopt a Town of Vernon Freeze Property Tax Relief Program. The Program is available for Senior Citizens who are 70 years or older or spouses of deceased property owners who are 62 years or older, those seniors who are 62 or older must be that age at the time of death of a spouse who is 70 or older. The program was proposed and adopted to help them freeze their assessment on their homes to prevent an increase in their taxes to assist them with dealing with living on fixed income. The program requires that any amount of property tax that is not paid due to the freeze during the senior’s homeowner ownership is repaid to the Town upon sale of the home. In most case this is a relatively small sum that is required to be repaid but helps seniors plan expenses while they live on fixed incomes. On October 5, 2009 the Vernon town council approved Mayor Jason McCoy’s proposal for the elderly freeze property tax relief program.
The Director of Finance James Luddecke and Town Assessor David Wheeler were present to answer questions regarding the program. Seniors should contact David Wheeler to check to see if they qualify or may contact the Mayor’s office for assistance.
October 13, 2009
Governor Jodi Rell urges supports for Mayor Jason McCoy. On Nov. 3, 2009 re-elect Jason McCoy Mayor YouTube - McCoy4Mayor's Channel
YouTube - McCoy4Mayor's Channel: "Governor Jodi Rell urges supports for Mayor Jason McCoy. On Nov. 3, 2009 re-elect Jason McCoy Mayor"
Governor Jodi Rell urges supports for Mayor Jason McCoy. On Nov. 3, 2009 re-elect Jason McCoy Mayor
YouTube - McCoy4Mayor's Channel: "Governor Jodi Rell urges supports for Mayor Jason McCoy. On Nov. 3, 2009 re-elect Jason McCoy Mayor"
connecticut's popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's most popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's mayor mccoy, mayor jason mccoy, vernon connecticut,
Governor Jodi Rell,
Jason McCoy Mayor,
Mayor Vernon CT,
Michele Arn,
Vernon CT,
Vernon Democrats,
Vernon Republicans,
Vernon Town Council
Re-elect the Team of People who you Know
connecticut's popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's most popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's mayor mccoy, mayor jason mccoy, vernon connecticut,
Vernon Board of Education,
Vernon CT,
Vernon Democrats,
Vernon Republicans,
Vernon Town Council,
Folks Look at the Record for the Last Two Years- Re-Elect Mayor Jason McCoy
connecticut's popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's most popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's mayor mccoy, mayor jason mccoy, vernon connecticut,
election vernon ct,
Michele Arn,
town of vernon ct,
Vernon Connecticut,
Vernon CT,
Vernon Democrats,
Vernon Republicans
October 12, 2009
This Is Connecticut
This Is Connecticut: "Connecticut Day of Caring & Compassion 2009"
Governor M. Jodi Rell announced yesterday a statewide “Day of Caring & Compassion” will be held on Saturday, November 7, when 15 fire stations around Connecticut will serve as collection centers for donations of non-perishable food to help replenish the state’s two main food pantries.“November 7 will be a one-day push to fill – and I mean really fill – the shelves of Foodshare and Connecticut Food Bank ahead of the coming holidays,” Governor Rell said.
Connecticut Day of Caring & Compassion 2009
Participating Fire Stations
VERNON 720 Hartford Turnpike
Governor M. Jodi Rell announced yesterday a statewide “Day of Caring & Compassion” will be held on Saturday, November 7, when 15 fire stations around Connecticut will serve as collection centers for donations of non-perishable food to help replenish the state’s two main food pantries.“November 7 will be a one-day push to fill – and I mean really fill – the shelves of Foodshare and Connecticut Food Bank ahead of the coming holidays,” Governor Rell said.
Connecticut Day of Caring & Compassion 2009
Participating Fire Stations
VERNON 720 Hartford Turnpike
Vernon CT- Connecticut Day of Caring & Compassion 2009
Connecticut Day of Caring & Compassion 2009 - Topix
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Connecticut Day of Caring & Compassion 2009 Participating Fire Stations
720 Hartford Turnpike
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Connecticut Day of Caring & Compassion 2009 Participating Fire Stations
720 Hartford Turnpike
Letters to the Editor: Winkler Counter Productive and Bullying
"I was not surprised to read about the bickering among the Vernon Town Council, especially when Mr. Mike Winkler is in the mix. I worked along side Mr. Winkler while at the labor union in which he works full-time. The board meetings in which Mr. Winkler is a leader are run in a very similar manner as the Town Council meetings - chaotic, disruptive, counter-productive with a whole lot of bullying and grandstanding. I am looking forward to the November elections when the whole crew can take their toys and leave the sandbox!
Lori Chapman Vernon"
Reminder News Letter to the Editor
Lori Chapman Vernon"
Reminder News Letter to the Editor
October 1, 2009
Ebony Horsewomen Seek Site In Other Town For An Equestrian Center --
Ebony Horsewomen Seek Site In Other Town For An Equestrian Center --
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In Vernon, Mayor Jason McCoy said the town identified several privately owned parcels that would meet the horsewomen's 25-acre requirement.
McCoy declined to be specific about the location of the properties but said that they would offer easy access to the highway.
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In Vernon, Mayor Jason McCoy said the town identified several privately owned parcels that would meet the horsewomen's 25-acre requirement.
McCoy declined to be specific about the location of the properties but said that they would offer easy access to the highway.
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