I suggest that Vernon’s public has been sated with the town’s Democrats beating Mayor Jason McCoy about his nominee for Public Works director. It seems this is their only plank during this election season. A review of the entire record of this energetic and mature leader is warranted."
I suggest that Vernon’s public has been sated with the town’s Democrats beating Mayor Jason McCoy about his nominee for Public Works director. It seems this is their only plank during this election season.A review of the entire record of this energetic and mature leader is warranted.McCoy has passed the last two budgets on their first referendum due to his fiscal restraint. He has opened dialog with the Board of Education and together with the board the town has seen savings in operations, maintenance, and salary accounts. McCoy worked with the Board of Education to consolidate facilities and find potential tenants for Talcottville School.He has pushed forward an agenda to reduce substandard housing in Rockville. McCoy has put policies in place to reduce the consumption of fuel and electricity by the town of Vernon. He has kept our parks and recreational facilities open under extreme economic conditions.McCoy has increased collections of back taxes and is keeping that collection rate high. McCoy has pushed forward with information-technology improvements, leveraging technology and the town’s use of its Web site. He completed the Vernon Avenue bridge and work has begun on the Spring Street bridge. McCoy secured state funding for replacement of the Phoenix Street bridge. He has reduced town debt service by $1 million in the last budget, thus creating savings for future budgets.McCoy worked with CL&P to improve energy infrastructure on West Road. He has secured funding and begun the process of rebuilding Prospect Street. McCoy is completing the rebuilding of Bolton Road, taking steps to ensure the project is completed within budget. He has kept our streets safe and secure.
And let us not forget that under McCoy’s orchestration all seven of our schools opened on time after an exhaustive summer of reconstruction.
While his detractors are quibbling over a singular and insignificant issue, McCoy is moving Vernon forward fiscally, technologically, and environmentally.
Let’s keep this high achiever where he can do the most good for Vernon-Rockville by re-electing McCoy on Nov. 3.
James M. Hoover Vernon
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