Your Reader-Submitted Articles -- "Jason L. McCoy, Mayor of Vernon, recently recognized the efforts of two local agencies, which assist local residents with recovery from alcohol and drug addiction.
At the Sept. 12 town council meeting, Mayor McCoy issued a Mayoral Proclamation to Shawna Schnitzke, director of counseling for the Hockanum Valley Community Council, Inc. and Chris Luginbuhl, co-founder, of 'Become a Part of the Solution' for their collaborative contributions as local treatment providers and for improving the health and well-being of residents."
From left to right: Councilmember Mark Etre, Shawna Schnitzke, Hockanum Valley Community Council, Chris Luginbuhl, co-founder, of "Become a Part of the Solution," Mayor Jason L. McCoy, and Councilmember Daniel Anderson.
September 28, 2009
Mayor Jason McCoy Recognizes Local Agencies Efforts --
connecticut's popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's most popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's mayor mccoy, mayor jason mccoy, vernon connecticut,
Dan Anderson,
Jason McCoy Mayor,
mark etre,
Vernon Connecticut,
Vernon CT,
Vernon Town Council,
September 26, 2009
Vernon Elections - CT
Vernon Elections - Town of Vernon, CT
Vernon Elections Department ... 10:00a - 2:00p Voter Registration Session (Vernon Town Hall). October 20, 2009.
Where do I vote?
How do I register to vote?
What is my party affiliation?
Vernon Elections Department ... 10:00a - 2:00p Voter Registration Session (Vernon Town Hall). October 20, 2009.
Where do I vote?
How do I register to vote?
What is my party affiliation?
September 23, 2009
Senator Anthony Guglielmo McCoy is Phenomenal, Competent and Capable
YouTube - Senator Anthony Guglielmo McCoy is Phenomenal, Competent and Capable: "Senator Anthony Guglielmo McCoy is Phenomenal, Competent and Capable"
jason mccoy
mayor jason mccoy z23axwiqe6
jason mccoy
mayor jason mccoy z23axwiqe6
jason mccoy
mayor jason mccoy z23axwiqe6
politics Michele Arn
connecticut's popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's most popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's mayor mccoy, mayor jason mccoy, vernon connecticut,
Jason McCoy Mayor,
Senator tony Guglielmo,
Tony Guglielmo,
Vernon Connecticut,
Vernon CT,
Vernon Democrats,
vernon elections,
Vernon Town Council
Mayor Jason McCoy of Vernon Connecticut asks: Do you realize? It is Amazing!
YouTube - Mayor Jason McCoy of Vernon Connecticut asks: Do you realize? It is Amazing!: "Mayor Jason McCoy of Vernon Connecticut asks: Do you realize? It is Amazing!"
jason mccoy
mayor jason mccoy z23axwiqe6
jason mccoy
mayor jason mccoy z23axwiqe6
politics Michele Arn
connecticut's popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's most popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's mayor mccoy, mayor jason mccoy, vernon connecticut,
Jason McCoy Mayor,
Mayor Jason McCoy,
rockville connecticut,
Senator tony Guglielmo,
Vernon Connecticut,
vernon elections,
Vernon Town Council
Bill and Dan Nominate Mayor Jason McCoy - Just Say Thanks to Mayor Jason McCoy
connecticut's popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's most popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's mayor mccoy, mayor jason mccoy, vernon connecticut,
Dan Anderson,
Jason McCoy Mayor,
Mayor Jason McCoy,
Nominates Jason L. McCoy,
Vernon Connecticut,
Vernon CT,
Vernon Democrats,
vernon elections,
Vernon Town Council
September 22, 2009
For McCoy Journal Inquirer > Letters To The Editor > Sept. 21
Journal Inquirer > Letters To The Editor > Sept. 21: "For McCoy
I suggest that Vernon’s public has been sated with the town’s Democrats beating Mayor Jason McCoy about his nominee for Public Works director. It seems this is their only plank during this election season. A review of the entire record of this energetic and mature leader is warranted."
I suggest that Vernon’s public has been sated with the town’s Democrats beating Mayor Jason McCoy about his nominee for Public Works director. It seems this is their only plank during this election season.A review of the entire record of this energetic and mature leader is warranted.McCoy has passed the last two budgets on their first referendum due to his fiscal restraint. He has opened dialog with the Board of Education and together with the board the town has seen savings in operations, maintenance, and salary accounts. McCoy worked with the Board of Education to consolidate facilities and find potential tenants for Talcottville School.He has pushed forward an agenda to reduce substandard housing in Rockville. McCoy has put policies in place to reduce the consumption of fuel and electricity by the town of Vernon. He has kept our parks and recreational facilities open under extreme economic conditions.McCoy has increased collections of back taxes and is keeping that collection rate high. McCoy has pushed forward with information-technology improvements, leveraging technology and the town’s use of its Web site. He completed the Vernon Avenue bridge and work has begun on the Spring Street bridge. McCoy secured state funding for replacement of the Phoenix Street bridge. He has reduced town debt service by $1 million in the last budget, thus creating savings for future budgets.McCoy worked with CL&P to improve energy infrastructure on West Road. He has secured funding and begun the process of rebuilding Prospect Street. McCoy is completing the rebuilding of Bolton Road, taking steps to ensure the project is completed within budget. He has kept our streets safe and secure.
And let us not forget that under McCoy’s orchestration all seven of our schools opened on time after an exhaustive summer of reconstruction.
While his detractors are quibbling over a singular and insignificant issue, McCoy is moving Vernon forward fiscally, technologically, and environmentally.
Let’s keep this high achiever where he can do the most good for Vernon-Rockville by re-electing McCoy on Nov. 3.
James M. Hoover Vernon
mayor jason mccoy
I suggest that Vernon’s public has been sated with the town’s Democrats beating Mayor Jason McCoy about his nominee for Public Works director. It seems this is their only plank during this election season. A review of the entire record of this energetic and mature leader is warranted."
I suggest that Vernon’s public has been sated with the town’s Democrats beating Mayor Jason McCoy about his nominee for Public Works director. It seems this is their only plank during this election season.A review of the entire record of this energetic and mature leader is warranted.McCoy has passed the last two budgets on their first referendum due to his fiscal restraint. He has opened dialog with the Board of Education and together with the board the town has seen savings in operations, maintenance, and salary accounts. McCoy worked with the Board of Education to consolidate facilities and find potential tenants for Talcottville School.He has pushed forward an agenda to reduce substandard housing in Rockville. McCoy has put policies in place to reduce the consumption of fuel and electricity by the town of Vernon. He has kept our parks and recreational facilities open under extreme economic conditions.McCoy has increased collections of back taxes and is keeping that collection rate high. McCoy has pushed forward with information-technology improvements, leveraging technology and the town’s use of its Web site. He completed the Vernon Avenue bridge and work has begun on the Spring Street bridge. McCoy secured state funding for replacement of the Phoenix Street bridge. He has reduced town debt service by $1 million in the last budget, thus creating savings for future budgets.McCoy worked with CL&P to improve energy infrastructure on West Road. He has secured funding and begun the process of rebuilding Prospect Street. McCoy is completing the rebuilding of Bolton Road, taking steps to ensure the project is completed within budget. He has kept our streets safe and secure.
And let us not forget that under McCoy’s orchestration all seven of our schools opened on time after an exhaustive summer of reconstruction.
While his detractors are quibbling over a singular and insignificant issue, McCoy is moving Vernon forward fiscally, technologically, and environmentally.
Let’s keep this high achiever where he can do the most good for Vernon-Rockville by re-electing McCoy on Nov. 3.
James M. Hoover Vernon
Journal Inquirer > Letters To The Editor > Sept. 19-20
Journal Inquirer > Letters To The Editor > Sept. 19-20: "Sept. 19-20
Published: Saturday, September 19, 2009 12:08 PM EDT
‘Straw’ response
In response to “Straw that broke the back” (Tom DiDio letter, Sept. 9), I would retort that “temper” led to his party’s “walkout” of the Aug. 18 Town Council meeting."
‘Straw’ response
In response to “Straw that broke the back” (Tom DiDio letter, Sept. 9), I would retort that “temper” led to his party’s “walkout” of the Aug. 18 Town Council meeting. DiDio, Vernon Democrat Town Committee chairman, has leveled charges that are neither fair nor accurate. Most disturbing is his lack of understanding between the roles of the fiscal body versus the administration.
First, the mayor is under no obligation to inform or ask approval of the Town Council to send an end-of-year report to his constituents. Monies are provided for this in the budget and are to be used at his discretion. Just as state Rep. Claire Janowski frequently sends out mailings to keep constituents informed, so did Mayor Jason McCoy. Also, any councilor may propose an agenda item; however, it is the right of the body to vote to reject it.
Secondly, it is the job of the administration to advertise for, interview, and recommend candidates to the Town Council for the hiring of department heads and others. The timeline belongs to the mayor, not the council. It was absolutely out of order for Marie Herbst to try to propose a motion to force a timeline on the mayor, a fact that, as a former mayor, she is well aware. DiDio’s opinion of the candidate the mayor proposed is of no relevance. It is blatantly obvious that any person who has been politically active in the Republican Party will not be acceptable to him, no matter how well-qualified he or she is. This issue should be taken with a “grain of salt.” It is strictly political, as is most of his letter.
McCoy has conducted himself in a professional manner and has administered this town with the best interests of its citizens in mind. He is honest, bright, energetic, and thoughtful. He has moved Vernon forward technologically, environmentally, and fiscally during difficult times and in the midst of constant political carping.DiDio and his folks should spend less time writing FOI requests and staging press-ops, and start thinking about some real issues that affect Vernon.
Christy Vale Vernon Connecticut
Published: Saturday, September 19, 2009 12:08 PM EDT
‘Straw’ response
In response to “Straw that broke the back” (Tom DiDio letter, Sept. 9), I would retort that “temper” led to his party’s “walkout” of the Aug. 18 Town Council meeting."
‘Straw’ response
In response to “Straw that broke the back” (Tom DiDio letter, Sept. 9), I would retort that “temper” led to his party’s “walkout” of the Aug. 18 Town Council meeting. DiDio, Vernon Democrat Town Committee chairman, has leveled charges that are neither fair nor accurate. Most disturbing is his lack of understanding between the roles of the fiscal body versus the administration.
First, the mayor is under no obligation to inform or ask approval of the Town Council to send an end-of-year report to his constituents. Monies are provided for this in the budget and are to be used at his discretion. Just as state Rep. Claire Janowski frequently sends out mailings to keep constituents informed, so did Mayor Jason McCoy. Also, any councilor may propose an agenda item; however, it is the right of the body to vote to reject it.
Secondly, it is the job of the administration to advertise for, interview, and recommend candidates to the Town Council for the hiring of department heads and others. The timeline belongs to the mayor, not the council. It was absolutely out of order for Marie Herbst to try to propose a motion to force a timeline on the mayor, a fact that, as a former mayor, she is well aware. DiDio’s opinion of the candidate the mayor proposed is of no relevance. It is blatantly obvious that any person who has been politically active in the Republican Party will not be acceptable to him, no matter how well-qualified he or she is. This issue should be taken with a “grain of salt.” It is strictly political, as is most of his letter.
McCoy has conducted himself in a professional manner and has administered this town with the best interests of its citizens in mind. He is honest, bright, energetic, and thoughtful. He has moved Vernon forward technologically, environmentally, and fiscally during difficult times and in the midst of constant political carping.DiDio and his folks should spend less time writing FOI requests and staging press-ops, and start thinking about some real issues that affect Vernon.
Christy Vale Vernon Connecticut
"Mayor Jason McCoy" "vernon town council" mayor "vernon connecticut" "jason mccoy" election "jason mccoy mayor" "rockville connecticut" "Michele Arn" "Mark Etre",
connecticut's popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's most popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's mayor mccoy, mayor jason mccoy, vernon connecticut
Christy Vale says its Crucial that Mayor McCoy Continues
YouTube - Christy Vale says its Crucial that Mayor McCoy Continues: "Christy Vale says its Crucial that Mayor McCoy Continues"
mayor jason mccoy
connecticut's popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's most popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's mayor mccoy, mayor jason mccoy, vernon connecticut,
Jason McCoy Mayor Vernon,
Jason McCoy Mayor,
Vernon Connecticut,
Vernon Democrats,
vernon elections,
Vernon Republicans,
Vernon Town Council
September 20, 2009
State's Getting Older – And Not Planning For It --
State's Getting Older – And Not Planning For It --
Posted using ShareThis
"My biggest concern is not the individual homeowners, it's the ability to attract and maintain commercial businesses, so we can allow individual homeowners to be able to afford to live in Vernon Connecticut" said Vernon Mayor Jason McCoy, a young lawyer. "We have a lot of housing that is built and suited for people to walk to work. But we don't have the mills anymore."
Vernon, like the rest of the state, hasn't had the mills for decades. But it's got a hospital, a 50-person police force, public works department, a school district with 900 employees and loads of elderly residents on fixed incomes with tax exemptions and a town that provides trash and leaf pickup.
mayor jason mccoy
Posted using ShareThis
"My biggest concern is not the individual homeowners, it's the ability to attract and maintain commercial businesses, so we can allow individual homeowners to be able to afford to live in Vernon Connecticut" said Vernon Mayor Jason McCoy, a young lawyer. "We have a lot of housing that is built and suited for people to walk to work. But we don't have the mills anymore."
Vernon, like the rest of the state, hasn't had the mills for decades. But it's got a hospital, a 50-person police force, public works department, a school district with 900 employees and loads of elderly residents on fixed incomes with tax exemptions and a town that provides trash and leaf pickup.
It’s official: McCoy's Running! Vernon Connecticut
VERNON — Mayor Jason L. McCoy said he’s looking to continue a recent trend of controlling spending, lower taxes, better schools, safer streets and common sense governance, as he accepted his party’s nomination for a second term as the town’s chief executive Tuesday at the Senior Center.
McCoy pointed to the historically low annual spending plan approved last spring that limited new spending, lowered the tax rate, created better and fast access to services, and to other accomplishments including the completion of several of the town’s ailing bridges.
“To me, these things are important,” he said.McCoy said he wasn’t sure he’d seek a second term as mayor until last weekend, but forecasts of a worsening economy prompted him to run.
State Sen. Anthony Guglielmo, R-Stafford, called McCoy a capable mayor who has done skilled work to control spending in a tough economy. “Competence counts,” he said.
“We have a solid, experienced crew that has done a good job in the past two years,” GOP Town Chairman Hal Cummings said, adding, “But there are still a lot of issues and a lot of work left to be done.”
The GOP is running incumbents George Apel and Anne Fisher for four-year terms, and Laura Bush and Vicky Rispoli for two-year terms for the Board of Education.
The GOP candidates for Vernon Town Council are Deputy Mayor Brian Motola, Mark Etre, Dan Anderson, Bill Campbell, Harry Thomas, Sean O’Shea, Judy Hany and Dan Champagne.
jason mccoy
mccoy for mayor
jason mccoy
McCoy pointed to the historically low annual spending plan approved last spring that limited new spending, lowered the tax rate, created better and fast access to services, and to other accomplishments including the completion of several of the town’s ailing bridges.
“To me, these things are important,” he said.McCoy said he wasn’t sure he’d seek a second term as mayor until last weekend, but forecasts of a worsening economy prompted him to run.
State Sen. Anthony Guglielmo, R-Stafford, called McCoy a capable mayor who has done skilled work to control spending in a tough economy. “Competence counts,” he said.
“We have a solid, experienced crew that has done a good job in the past two years,” GOP Town Chairman Hal Cummings said, adding, “But there are still a lot of issues and a lot of work left to be done.”
The GOP is running incumbents George Apel and Anne Fisher for four-year terms, and Laura Bush and Vicky Rispoli for two-year terms for the Board of Education.
The GOP candidates for Vernon Town Council are Deputy Mayor Brian Motola, Mark Etre, Dan Anderson, Bill Campbell, Harry Thomas, Sean O’Shea, Judy Hany and Dan Champagne.
connecticut's popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's most popular mayor, connecticut mayor, connecticut's mayor mccoy, mayor jason mccoy, vernon connecticut,
Jason McCoy,
Mayor Jason McCoy,
Michele Arn,
Vernon Connecticut,
Vernon Democrats,
Vernon Republicans
September 17, 2009
Breakfast Events

Events: "You are cordially invited to join
Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele
and Senator Anthony Guglielmo
at a breakfast for
Mayor Jason McCoy"
Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele
and Senator Anthony Guglielmo
at a breakfast for
Mayor Jason McCoy"
September 14, 2009
Video: Mayors Jason mccoy, John Picard Discuss State Aid
September 2, 2009
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