September 24, 2010


#!: "Jeff Wright vs Denise Nappier"

Jeff Wright vs Denise Nappier

Meet and Greet Hosted by Governor Rell and Senator Tony Guglielmo

September 15, 2010

Democrats Still Aim for Vote on How To Raising Our Taxes -

5 Percent really? 5 Percent really? A pay cut issued by Congress to everyone, after your employer had to reduce your pay so you could keep your job. Do not be fooled. It is not only the top rate, Right.  But it is 5% no matter what income level your are at. 35% to 40%, Really?  How about the Congress stops spending so much money and then they will not need to raise taxes by 5%.  Stop spending, stop bailing out, stop paying off labor and inflating salaries before the mid term elections, then Congress will not even be a debating about taking 5% out of your paycheck.

Democrats Still Aim for Vote on Taxes - "Democrats have been leery of voting on a partial extension of the Bush tax cuts this year, despite support from President Barack Obama and House and Senate leaders. The president's plan would extend tax cuts indefinitely for families making less than $50,000, while allowing marginal tax rates to rise for income earned above that level. The top rate would return to 40% from 35%."

Close Race Malloy and Foley in governor’s race

Malloy vrs. Foley in governor’s race: "Malloy - Foley in governor’s race
By Ed Jacovino
Journal Inquirer
Published: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:17 AM EDT
Democrat Dannel P. Malloy show a close race between Republican Thomas C. Foley in the race for the governor’s seat, the latest Quinnipiac University poll shows."

Read the Poly for yourself:
8 percent are undecided and 26 percent of those who do name a candidate say they could change their mind by Election Day. This is the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University's first general election likely voter survey in Connecticut in this election cycle and can not be compared to earlier surveys of registered voters.

In today's survey, conducted by telephone with live interviewers, Malloy leads 86 - 8 percent among Democrats, while Foley leads 83 - 14 percent among Republicans.

Independent voters split 42 - 42 percent. Malloy leads 53 - 38 percent among women and 48 - 43 percent among men.

Read the Poll yourself. It would seem that if folks don't actually know either candidate. So I would assume that folks will vote, but when folks vote, I would have to say in our current business environment, our economic situation, with a government that is in fiscal crisis, overextended, with no revenue, a time like this”. The questions folks will ask is who doing you want managing your money, your business, and your government, a Republican or a Democrat? If folks don't know either candidates, what the answer.

"The races for Governor and U.S. Senate in Connecticut are both in play, with the Democrats holding on to single-digits leads," said Quinnipiac University Poll Director Douglas Schwartz, PhD. "The big difference between the Governor's race and the Senate race is that the gubernatorial candidates are much less well-known than the Senate candidates. Tom Foley and Dan Malloy will have a tough time competing for attention with Linda McMahon and Attorney General Richard Blumenthal."

Journal Inquirer Politics & Government Malloy leads Foley in governor’s race

Journal Inquirer Politics & Government Malloy leads Foley in governor’s race

It sounds like The Ambassador needs to keep up the hard work, if this is correct he's on his way to fixing this mess we are in. Wow. The "polls released today also says that 8 percent of likely voters are undecided and 26 percent of those who do name a candidate could change their minds by Election Day on Nov. 2. Independent voters were split, with 42 percent for each candidate."

Journal Inquirer Towns Vernon Paving starts Monday

Journal Inquirer Towns Vernon Paving starts Monday

Journal Inquirer Towns Vernon Paving starts Monday

Journal Inquirer Towns Vernon Paving starts Monday

September 6, 2010

Vernon Connecticut Public Hearing/Town Meeting for Road Repairs Sept 7th, 2010

Public Hearing/Town Meeting for Road Repairs Sept 7th, 2010

Said Public Hearing will take place at 7:10 p.m., and said Special Town Meeting will take place at 7:15 p.m., concerning the above Resolution.


This is to give Notice that on August 3, 2010, in accordance with Chapter XII Section 10F of the Vernon Town Charter, the Vernon Town Council scheduled a Public Hearing and Special Town Meeting to be held September 7, 2010, at the third floor Town Council Chambers in the Town Hall Memorial Building, 14 Park Place, Vernon, Connecticut, to hear comments and take the necessary action relative to the following Resolution recommended by the Mayor:

WHEREAS, in a continuing effort to improve the roadways in the Town of Vernon, and as a complement to the current public bond improvement program, the Department of Public Works has identified roads to repair, reclaim shim, chip and micro-pave, categorized as Groups # I and # II – Skinner Road area; and Groups # III and # IV – Merline Road area.

WHEREAS, Group # I consists of the roads: Barbara Road; Neil Road; Gerald Drive; John; Hany; Edith; and Donnel. The estimated cost for this group of roads is $340,560.00.

WHEREAS, Group # II consists of the roads: Wellwood Circle; Lawler; Hayes; Werner; Wolcott; George; Faith; Olive; Brimwood; Leona; and Bruce. The estimated cost for this group of roads is $138,012.00.

WHEREAS, Group # III consists of the roads: Discovery, Duncaster; Wilshire; and Seneca. The estimated cost for this group of roads is $219,120.00.

WHEREAS, Group # IV consists of the roads: Crest; Patricia; Claire; Forestview; Castlewood; Marjorie; Vernwood; Howard Oakmoor; Vinetta; and Walker Terrace. The estimated cost for this group of roads is $176,958.00.

WHEREAS, pricing may fluctuate due to conditions and the economy, a ten percent contingency of $87,465.00 is included in the total estimated cost.

WHEREAS, the estimated costs of this project is $962,115.00, and is to be included in the six-year capital improvement plan. The funding of $800,000.00 is recommended to come from undesignated fund balance, as of June 30, 2010. The balance of the estimated cost, $162,115.00, is to be derived from grants and other designated sources. If a funding shortfall occurs, the project appropriation will be restricted to available funds, and the road projects will be adjusted accordingly. Work on any of the identified road projects may only commence when funding for that portion of the project is fully designated in relation to the estimated cost.

NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved: That the Town Council hereby approves an additional appropriation from the General Fund balance in the amount of $800,000.00 to the fiscal year
2009-2010 Capital Improvement budget, account 10780290-57340, to fund the improvement of the roadways identified as Groups # I, # II, # III, and # IV.

Said Public Hearing will take place at 7:10 p.m., and said Special Town Meeting will take place at 7:15 p.m., concerning the above Resolution.

September 5, 2010

Journal Inquirer Towns Bolton and Vernon Connecticut Work Together to fix Bolton Lake Weed Problem

Journal Inquirer Towns Bolton Consultant to study Bolton Lake weed removal options

By Kym Soper Journal Inquirer

Published: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 11:34 AM EDT
The town of Vernon has appropriated $6,000 for a consultant to determine how best to eradicate the weed that has choked Bolton Lake this season. Mayor McCoy said that “it was his recommendation that the appropriation be made to protect this valuable resource, these are the things that the Government needs to do, this is an asset of the Town of Vernon and its citizens”. Mayor McCoy went on say that “this is the second appropriation that the Town of Vernon Has made to protect the lake against the invasive weeds, even though this is occurring in the lower portion of the Lake it could migrate in to the larger portion of the Lake having a much worse impact on the Lake and its users.”

Officials in Bolton and Vernon are hoping to salvage next summer for swimmers and boaters.

“This is the first time we’ve been faced with this, and we’re trying to find out what we should do next,” Bolton Town Administrator Joyce Stille said, noting that “the weather this year couldn’t be more perfect” for the spread of the invasive weed known as slender water nymph.

The Vernon Town Council appropriated the funds this month, and officials hope a consultant can be hired and start work in the next few weeks.

Vernon Mayor Jason McCoy said that he and Bolton First Selectman Robert A. Morra are working together on the issue.

“We are moving on this issue as a team on behalf of our citizens to protect this very important resource,” McCoy said in a statement. “This is an environmental need as well as a recreational need. This should be resolved soon.”

Rep. Pamela Z. Sawyer, R-Bolton, isn’t so sure, as experts have said it could take three years before the weed is gone for good.

“This stuff is like tumbleweeds — after it had seeded and grown, it floated to the top and it didn’t take much for the wind to move it down,” Sawyer said of the weed’s migration through the lake system.

The floating, hay-like plant chokes boat propellers, ensnares paddles, and could drag down a swimmer.

Residents have been pulling out the weed all summer, but now they’re finding more sprouts shooting up from the sand under the floating clumps, Sawyer said.

“I would really like an expert to tell me if these are new sprouts coming from seeds from the weeds in the water or some other source,” Sawyer added.

Waterfowl and geese likely introduced the weed to Bolton Lake by carrying the seeds from another infected pond, the state Department of Environmental Protection says.

A large draw down is a possibility this fall, and residents must still decide whether to use chemicals to kill the invasive plant, Sawyer said.

Diquat, a herbicide, would need to be applied for three consecutive years, DEP officials say.

For now, residents and officials want a consultant to tell them the best way to clean the lake, Stille said.

DEP says it could cost $20,000 this year, and $10,000 to $15,000 in each of the following two years.

Sawyer is trying to get state funds to help with the clean up effort.  Bolton, so far, has not contributed financially, Stille said.

This is not the first time Bolton Lake has battled invasive weeds. A few years back milfoil was the problem, and officials believe the town’s effectiveness in battling that weed may have allowed the slender water nymph to take hold.

Connecticut's Cash Cop Mayor Jeff Wright The Day - Connecticut needs the 'cash cop' | News from southeastern Connecticut

The Day - Connecticut needs the 'cash cop' | News from southeastern Connecticut

You really need to read this article to get the full understanding of the situation that Connecticut is in and why this election is so important. 

Please read it then come and meet Mayor Wright on Sept. 13th 2010. 

September 4, 2010

New Proposal on Mortgages

Mortgages and new plans by the govt

Congress needs to bring back the cram-down rule in the bankruptcy code for residential mortgages to allow values to correct the market.

One of the biggest legal devices dealing with mortgages,  that was removed from the bankruptcy code around 1998 or 1999 was the cram-down provision in chapter 13.  I also practice law.  This was a market driven device that worked during the last real estate crash.  You used to seen it used in condo situations.  However once the market got stronger it was taken out of the code.  It was also used less once values caught up throughh the market process. It is really a strange situation that now the banks end up being in a situation were they are the in between, especially because this is essentially an adversarial process. It also seems to cost more rather than re-establish real values.  The values we see are essentially based upon people buying payments because there was no money down at the time of purchase.  Overall it drove the cost up.  Low rates and no money down.  Values were based upon purchase prices.  Indexing values to interest rates going back to 1997 or 1998 will show the incremental cost increase, coupled with the decrease in interest rates (based upon the bond rates) and no money down purchases, sightly hire rates for non-conventional mortgages with out mortgage insurance.  Meaning 2003 with the 5 to 6 percent rates, no money down, yield spreads at 1 to 1 1/2 percent from bonds which is were the funding for the loans came from. 

Cram-downs in BK Ch 13 would reset values and move the market.  It would also allow people to catch up on arrears over 4 years. Once the market caught up to the overvaluation the cram down would not be used or could not be used.  

They still have values up there because there are no real comparable and realistic sales but now the down payments are at 20 percent.  So 20 percent is actually much more. 

The code still allows cram downs in most chapter 11 situations.

September 3, 2010

Journal Inquirer Towns Vernon One-way street changes Maple Street School pattern

Journal Inquirer Towns Vernon One-way street changes Maple Street School pattern
VERNON — Groggy parents beware; when dropping your children off at the first day of school at Maple Street Elementary on Thursday, remember that the formerly two-way, congested section of Maple Street in front of the school is now a one-way street.

The change came after decades of debate over how to make the area in front of Maple Street school safer for students, especially during busy drop-off and pickup times when dozens of vehicles rush the school entrance.

The section of Maple Street between Union Street and West Main Street is now designated one-way, and cars must enter from the West Main Street side to avoid collisions.

Police spokesman Officer Daniel Champagne said there will likely be an officer stationed at Maple Street on the first day of school to help make the transition smoother and prevent possible accidents. He said he’s already seen a number of people attempt to turn onto Maple Street from the Union Street end, not realizing the traffic pattern has changed.

Public Works employees implemented the “traffic calming” measure last week by installing parking stall lines and adding signs, according to Mayor Jason L. McCoy.

The transition to one-way also allowed for the creation of 32 new parking spaces for teachers and parents, effectively resolving two longstanding concerns for commuters to the school — congestion and a lack of parking.

The oldest operating school in town, Maple Street opened its doors on Jan. 2, 1924, at a time when most students simply walked to school.

Then, not only was the town’s population far smaller, but there was no need for city planners to factor in large amounts of space to park vehicles that were not yet common, resulting in narrow streets and tightly spaced buildings with little room to squeeze a car.

But 86 years later, the school’s teachers, like many in the Rockville section of town, have struggled to find adequate parking in the area.

At a Town Council meeting on January 5, council member Mark Etre brought the issue up again after receiving a letter from Grant Street resident James Smith, describing the deterioration of the area around his home and the school.

Etre said recently that he is “pleased with the result of our collective efforts. Our Police Department, Traffic Authority, Board of Education, and residents worked together to find a workable solution.”