August 20, 2010

Hartford Courant- Articles about Jason Mccoy

Articles about Jason Mccoy - Hartford Courant: "IN THE NEWS Jason Mccoy"

August 18, 2010

Vernon Connectcut Gets New Superintendent

Vernon Gets New Superintendent

We are pleased to announce that the Board of Education has hired our new superintend of schools Doctor Mary Conway.

August 17, 2010

Etre Vernon Rockville 2010: Vernon Traffic Calming Measures Announced

Etre Vernon Rockville 2010: Vernon Traffic Calming Measures Announced: "Vernon Traffic Calming Measures Announced Government Announcements Submitted by Leslie S. Campolongo, Town of Vernon, on 2010-08-16. M..."

August 16, 2010

Vernon Plans Road Work -

Vernon Plans Road Work -

These funds were from the 2009-2010 budget savings. The 2010-2011 budget has be reduced by those savings. The plan is to repair, set overlays and seal the roads in Vernon. The recommendation is based upon condition and cost. This appropriation will covers most roads in Town that were not in the 2004 bond project and the roads that were not repaired this year. This will allow the Town to use State TAR funds to upgrade the remaining roads in 2011 and 2012. A large portion of these roads will be underway this year before the close of the construction season. The remainder will begin in 2011 after the plants re-open.

Vernon Plans Road Work -

Vernon Plans Road Work -

A Special Town Meeting will be held on an appropriation for road repairs from surplus funds from the 2009-2010 budget. The hearing will be held at the Vernon Town Hall 14 Park Place at 7 pm on Tuesday Sept. 7.

August 15, 2010

Journal Inquirer Page One Poll: McMahon gains on Blumenthal

Journal Inquirer Page One Poll: McMahon gains on Blumenthal

For McMahon, 59 percent view her as conservative, 52 percent think her views are mainstream, and 36 percent think her views are extreme.

Blumenthal and McMahon are vying for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by retiring Democratic Sen. Christopher J. Dodd. The election is Nov. 2.

Poll: McMahon gains on Blumenthal

Journal Inquirer Page One Poll: McMahon gains on Blumenthal

It looks like Linda McMahon is really moving on The senate seat. She has to be the hardest working candidate ever. Linda McMahon is at every event around the state. I don't know how she keeps up the schedule. There is a misconception out there that Mrs. McMahon is just paying for mailings and TV- wrong!! Mrs McMahon is out doing it the old fashion way, she goes to events, she speaks to everyone, it could be an event with 20 people or 200 people. I have had the pleasure of listening to her speak to folks one on one, in Vernon, Canton, Enfield- on several occasions.

Mrs. McMahon campaigns like Scott Brown did in MA. There is no wonder she is moving closer. She has a great message. She embodies the American dream, she understands life from all perspectives. Just like all of us, she is not perfect. From bankruptcy to a billionaire.

"Poll: McMahon gains on Blumenthal
By Journal Inquirer Staff
Published: Saturday, August 14, 2010 9:44 AM EDT
Poll: McMahon gains on Blumenthal

By Journal Inquirer Staff

Linda S. McMahon, the Republican U.S. Senate hopeful, has closed the gap to 7 percentage points against Democratic rival Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, according to the first poll released since ....

Blumenthal would receive 47 percent of the vote and McMahon would earn 40 percent, according to the poll from Rasmussen Reports. Five percent said they prefer another candidate and 7 percent said they’re undecided"

August 12, 2010

Jeff Wright's Blog




Newington, CT) – Jeff Wright, candidate for Treasurer, today joined a bi-partisan group of Connecticut legislators in opposition to the issuance of $486 million in state bonding for mass-transportation projects. Wright’s opposition to this proposal is based on the fact that the state’s continued misuse of bond funding to pay for the state’s operating expenses a practice has resulted in the state leading the nation in bonded indebtedness.

“With a massive $4 billion budget deficit, jobs fleeing the state and the ever present threat of increased taxes, Ms. Nappier’s proposal to borrow another $500 million dollars can be best described with one word – ‘reckless’,” said Wright. “This is exactly the kind of irresponsible spending and borrowing that has left our state mired in recession.”