Vernon I-Town
C-SPAN Civics Bus To Visit Vernon
Clubs & Organizations
Submitted on 2009-08-10.
Photo courtesy of
The C-Span Civics Bus.
Jason L. McCoy, Mayor of Vernon, announced today that Vernon will be the site of a visit from the C-SPAN Civics Bus this Wednesday Aug. 12, on Park Street, by the Senior Citizens Center from 2:45 to 4 p.m.Built on the legacy of the C-Span School Buses that launched in November 1993, the mission of the C-Span Civics Bus is to bring public affairs into communities and educational institutions nationwide by offering free educational resources to "inform voters, empower teachers, and enrich civics education." The bus also serves to inform students and teachers about the network's programming and value as an educational resource.The Civics Bus is a 45-foot mobile multi-media production studio, equipped with TV cameras and production units that are capable of serving as studios during live event programming such as C-SPAN's Washington Journal program. The bus represents about a $1 million investment for the cable network news organization.Drop-ins are welcome, however, scheduled appointments are recommended by calling the Mayor's Office at 860-870-3600.
Vernon I-Town
Vernon GOP Chooses McCoy
Vernon Mayor Jason McCoy accepted the GOP nomination for a second term as Vernon's Mayor on Tuesday, July 28, by thanking the group for allowing him to serve as Vernon's mayor. The mayor said he's looking to continue to control government spending, offer better schools, make our streets safer and use common sense in governance.
Receiving the GOP nomination for the board of education are incumbents George Apel and Anne Fisher for four-year terms, and Laura Bush and Vicki Rispoli for two-year terms for the Board of Education. The GOP candidates for Vernon Town Council are Deputy Mayor Brian Motola, Mark Etre, Dan Anderson, Bill Campbell, Harry Thomas, Sean O'Shea, Judy Hany and Dan Champagne. Mayor McCoy said this was incredible group and it will be his privilege to run with them.
Mayor McCoy pointed to the last two approved budgets, which held the line on increased spending by .85 percent in the face of the repayment of money from the 2005 bonding project.
He also cited a lower tax rate; creation of technology for better citizen access to service; the town's bridges which are completed, under construction or in design; a proposed energy improvement district; implementation of a policy to decrease governments usage of energy and fuel through implementation of no idling rules, key hold accountability, synthetic oil usage, bringing single stream recycling to Vernon, passage of an ordinance for a tax exemption for hybrid vehicles to encourage citizens to buy vehicles that would reduce reliance on fossil fuel.McCoy explained how he fought for Vernon and other towns in Connecticut to reduce CRRA tipping fees or garbage disposal fees which reduced costs for towns. McCoy also procured grants to replace Vernon Vehicles with hybrid vehicles to reduces fuel usage, save money and protect our environment.
McCoy worked on the relationship with the members of the board of education, prompting a rule passed by the BOE that stopped transfer of funds without BOE approval, a huge step in controlling spending and transparency for the citizens of the town. The council, BOE and the mayor relationship saved nearly $1,000,000 for taxpayers, according to the Vernon Republicans."To me, these things are important," Mayor McCoy said.
State Senator Anthony Guglielmo, R-Stafford, called McCoy a capable mayor who has done skilled work to control spending in a tough economy. "Competence counts and Mayor McCoy is more than just competent," he said.
"Mayor McCoy and our ticket have experience, they offer what Vernon needs now- good fiscal sense, they have done an amazing job in these tough economic times," said GOP Chairman Hal Cummings.
Vernon I-Town
Changes In The Property Tax Exemption Law For Disabled Veterans
Government Announcements
Submitted on 2009-08-03.
Jason L. McCoy, Mayor of Vernon, announced today that Vernon residents who have served in the armed forces and currently qualify for the Disabled Veteran status will no longer need to provide annual proof of disability to the Town Assessor's Office for a municipal tax credit.Under the new legislation signed by Governor M. Jodi Rell, Senate Bill 846 "An Act Concerning the Disabled Veterans' Property Tax Exemption" eliminates the requirement of annual filing for the Disabled Veteran Property Tax Credit. The new law benefits disabled service members who will now need to file appropriate paperwork once, eliminating the need for annual filing and making it easier to obtain and submit proof of disability. The law takes effect immediately.Connecticut State law permits annual Municipal Tax Credits of $1,000 to be applied by the Assessor's Office for qualified veterans. For additional information on this new law and its affects on Disabled Veterans in Vernon, please contact the Assessor's Office at 860-870-3625.
Vernon I-Town
Vernon Avenue Bridge Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
Government Announcements
Submitted on 2009-07-13.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the recently reopened Vernon Avenue Bridge was held Thursday, July 9. Several dignitaries, including State Representative Claire Janowski, Vernon Mayor Jason L. McCoy, and representatives from Milone and MacBroom and Hemlock Construction were on hand for the celebration.The original bridge, built in 1925, serves as one of the major routes from Rt. 30 to Rockville, and carries approximately 2,500 vehicles per day. Construction cost for the bridge was $1.084 million, with 80 percent of the project funded through federal monies, and the balance funded by the town.Milone & MacBroom, of Cheshire, served as designer and construction inspector, with general contract work completed by Hemlock Construction, of Torrington. The Connecticut Department of Transportation administered the project. The Vernon Avenue Bridge project is one of several bridge reconstruction projects currently underway in the town.
Vernon I-Town
Vernon Avenue Bridge Re-Opens
Government Announcements
Submitted on 2009-07-02.
After eleven months of construction, the Vernon Avenue Bridge project is completed, and the bridge reopened to traffic on June 5.
This project is part of several bridge reconstruction projects currently underway. Its successful completion reflects the commitment made by Mayor Jason L. McCoy's Administration to ensure the safety of the Town's bridges.The bridge is located along one of the major routes from Rt. 30 to Rockville and carries approximately 2,500 vehicles per day. The existing bridge was built in 1925. The concrete walls along the bridge were constructed utilizing a technique that simulates the appearance of actual stone masonry construction. The result is a new bridge that will serve as an impressive gateway to the center of Rockville for many years to come.
This project was administered by the Connecticut Department of Transportation.A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held at the bridge on Thursday, July 9, at 6:30 p.m. Several dignitaries including Mayor Jason L. McCoy and Town council members will attend.
Vernon I-Town
Town of Vernon Donates Fire Gear
Government Announcements
Submitted on 2009-06-09.
The town of Vernon is pleased to announce the donation of fire gear to the city of Mao, Dominican Republic, on May 2 at the Hartford Fire Department Training Academy. Mayor Jason L. McCoy and Vernon Fire Chief William Call joined together with the city of Hartford to present the equipment, consisting of protective coats and helmets formerly used by the town of Vernon to Mayor Odalis Rodriguez and Fire Chief Manual Peralita of Mao, located in Valverde, Dominican Republic.
Vernon I-Town
Vernon-Rockville Budget Vote May 9
Government Announcements
Submitted on 2009-05-02.
The Vernon-Rockville proposed $76 million budget, which reflects a 0.85 percent increase over this year's plan, is set for a town-wide vote on the spending plan. Vernon's tax rate is reduced by 7%. This is the final year of a three-year phase in of revaluation. The vote is scheduled for May 9. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Center 375, at 375 Hartford Turnpike.Residents who are unable to make it to the polls can obtain an absentee ballot from the town clerk's office.
jason mccoy
mccoy for mayor
jason mccoy